



Hi, I´m Martin –  I´m pleased to meet you.

I run Cycling in Copenhagen as a
non-commercial, voluntarily hobby project full of dedication. All services are free to use and all events are free to attend.

I consider You a fellow cycling and outdoor peer rather than a potential customer. I have nothing to sell, I don´t have a hidden agenda – but I have loads of smiles to share.

I´m not interested in building a fanbase, I don´t regard you as a number – you are a person with aspirations, and I´m happy if just one single person (could be you) feels inspired and find value in these pages.

I believe in sharing ideas and projects I find valuable, and I only present you with the opportunity to come along. I´m not presenting a package, a ´deal´, or a guided tour – you need to take action and initiative yourself. What I can do is kick-starting your motivation with an inspiring meet-up, a great route you can ride or a compelling story.

But when you do decide to come along –
I look forward to us smiling together at some point!


So what does Martin (me) do?
With Cycling in Copenhagen, I work towards creating a platform of opportunities for life-enriching experiences on a bike.
I find great enjoyment in doing these activities, and my idea is “why not invite people along“, so everybody can benefit from my experiences. I constantly feel inspired by what other people share and do (learning about micro-adventures, commuter-fun, life-skills, etc.), so why not take part in this sharing, and with modesty and humility make my findings public and accessible.

So far my ideas are:


Sharing free cycling routes that can be navigated via Google Maps, downloaded as a GPX file or accessed via Strava.
All routes are my personal suggestions on how to get an inspiring, positive and exciting experience in an area that might be new to you. 

Arranging Meet-ups with the purpose of creating a space in the outdoors, where we can share knowledge, laugh together, contemplate, enjoy the campfire, have a positive experience in nature, connect to a slower rhythm and be comfortable, relaxed and real.

Presenting stories, photos and videos from my cycling experiences, with the hope of inspiring and triggering your curiousity about cycling.



I welcome feedback, comments, ideas, and stories from your rides.
Get in touch with Cycling in Copenhagen by email to martinpaldan(at)gmail.com or drop me a message on Instagram.


… a perfect pedal-powered rhythm for making discoveries: The unexpected, the authentic, the slow and real, an opportunity to connect to the landscape and create a relationship with nature, Copenhagen, with urban architecture, with yourself. Go ride!