Welcome to Cycling in Cph

Cycling comes in many shapes, but the joy of pedal powered movement is something every cyclist value.

My name is Martin Paldan, and this site is all about sharing a passion for cycling. I believe that cycling holds plenty of values in our modern society; not only as the obvious sustainable way of transport and as a way to exercise, but also as a way to enter a rhythm of joy and positivity, that can lead to a state of relaxation, curiosity, and reflectiveness. The value of a bike ride can be everything from the hard, satisfying workout of the body, to the little spin around the neighborhood, the brings back focus and make life a bit easier to deal with. A bike ride is a great way to be in the now and do something good for your body and mind.

And before getting too carried away in cycling philosophy; If you enjoy being inspired by photos and stories from various locations in and out of Copenhagen, you will hopefully find some value on this site.


I scout, ride and log all routes myself. Exploring Copenhagen by bike is my favorite way of stimulating my senses and curiosity.

With Cycling in Copenhagen, I wish to pass on this opportunity for both locals and visitors.
If you enjoy riding a bike, chances are that you will love exploring Copenhagen from the seat of a two-wheeler. You might have made a choice of integrating sustainable ways of transport in both your daily life and during travels – in this case, you have found an allied in Cycling in Copenhagen. Welcome!

Here´s an introduction to what you can find on this site: